Invisible orthodontics (Invisalign®)

Invisalign® technology is an alternative to traditional braces. This technique is based on the manufacture of a series of transparent trays custom-made to cover the entire surface of the teeth. Each tray is replaced every fortnight by another, moulded to the nearest tenth of a millimetre, allowing the progressive movement of the teeth to continue according to the planned movements. As the realignment process continues, the teeth move to the final position prescribed by the specialist.

Problems solved

  • Overlapping teeth;
  • Spaced teeth;
  • Cross bite (upper and lower jaws not aligned correctly);
  • Overbite (upper teeth overlap lower teeth);
  • Underbite (lower jaw teeth protrude from the upper jaw).

Indications for treatment

  • Correction of the alignment of the teeth;
  • Repositioning of the jaw and teeth;
  • Improvement of the occlusion.


  • No metal or wires (almost invisible treatment) so more aesthetic;
  • Generally comfortable;
  • Removable mouthpiece (can be removed by the patient);
  • Does not affect oral hygiene or restrict food choices, as the tray is removed for eating and cleaning teeth;
  • Increased self-esteem during treatment due to invisibility of the aligners;
  • Does not require adjustments at appointments;
  • Faster treatment than metal braces (on average 20% faster).


  • Control over tooth movement can be more difficult in some cases with Invisalign® treatment;
  • The tray may also tend to slip and the tooth may not follow the prescribed movement;
  • There are cases where traditional orthodontic approaches may be more effective, as control over tooth movement is more direct, regardless of tooth shape or direction of movement.

Risks and consequences of not treating

  • A less aesthetic smile;
  • Poor positioning of teeth and jaws.

Processing steps and times

  • Impression of the teeth to check if they can be aligned with the Invisalign® technology;
  • If the alignment is possible, a virtual three-dimensional treatment plan is then developed (ClinCheck) to predict the series of movements that the teeth will make;
  • If the alignment is possible, a virtual three-dimensional treatment plan is then developed (ClinCheck) in order to predict the series of movements that the teeth will undergo.


  • The cost can vary between $3,500 and $8,500 depending on the severity of the case.


  • Smoking is not recommended as it can stain or discolour the trays;
  • Chewing gum is not recommended as it can stick to the trays;
  • There are no dietary restrictions, as the mouthpiece is removed for a meal. There are no dietary restrictions, as the mouthpiece is removed for a meal. However, it is important to brush and floss your teeth after each meal, before putting the mouthpiece back in.


  • Invisalign® technology is suitable for permanent teeth and is not suitable for baby teeth;
  • If the movement to be prescribed is too great, this technology is not recommended;
  • The patient must cooperate effectively with the treatment and wear the aligners, as prescribed, during the day and night (except when eating and when cleaning the teeth). The patient must attend appointments every four to six weeks;
  • If there is not enough space to align all the teeth on an arch, extraction of one or more teeth may be required, which is not always favourable;
  • extraction of one or more teeth may be required, which is not always favourable;
  • Tongue space, lingual tilt of the teeth, lip support and temporomandibular joint should also not be affected by tooth migration.

Alternative solutions

  • Conventional ceramic spindles.

Video Advice